Rosehips - Rosa canina

Rosehips - Rosa canina

Herb Class/Action: Nutritive, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Astringent, Immune Tonic

Flavor: Tart, Slightly Sweet, Fruity

Energetics: Cooling, Slightly Drying

Rosehips are the small, bright red fruits that develop after a rose flower has bloomed and faded. They are packed with vitamin C, making them a potent immune-supporting herb that helps the body recover from colds, flu, and general fatigue. Their antioxidant-rich nature also supports healthy aging by protecting cells from oxidative stress.

Beyond immune support, rosehips have a gentle anti-inflammatory and astringent action, which makes them beneficial for digestive health, skin conditions, and cardiovascular function. They are commonly used in teas, syrups, and infused oils, bringing a mild tartness and a wealth of nutrients to herbal blends.


  • Supports immune function and recovery from illness
  • Provides antioxidants for skin and overall cellular health
  • Aids in reducing inflammation and supporting joint health
  • Tones and strengthens tissues, particularly in the digestive system

Safety Considerations:

    • Generally safe for most people
    • Can have a mild drying effect, so balance with moistening herbs if needed
    • In rare cases, excessive consumption may cause mild digestive upset

    Traditional Applications:

    • Used in traditional European and Indigenous medicine as a vitamin-rich immune tonic
    • Commonly brewed as a tea, made into syrups, or incorporated into jams
    • Historically used for strengthening the body and supporting recovery

    You can find it in our Gentle Detoxer Tea, Balanced Feminine Tea, and Vitality + Energy Tea

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