Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis

Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis

Herb Class/Action: Nervine, Carminative, Antiviral, Mild Sedative, Digestive Aid

Flavor: Lightly Citrusy, Sweet, Slightly Bitter

Energetics: Cooling, Slightly Moistening

Lemon balm is a gentle yet powerful herb known for its calming effects on the nervous system and digestive system. As a nervine, it helps soothe anxiety, uplift the mood, and support restful sleep without being overly sedating. Its mild sedative properties make it an excellent choice for easing nervous tension and promoting emotional balance.

In addition to its effects on the nervous system, lemon balm is also a well-regarded digestive aid, helping to ease bloating, gas, and indigestion. It has antiviral properties and has been traditionally used to support immune health, particularly in cases of viral infections such as cold sores. Its light, citrusy aroma makes it a beloved herb for teas, tinctures, and culinary preparations.


  • Helps ease stress, anxiety, and nervous tension
  • Supports restful sleep and relaxation without excessive sedation
  • Aids digestion and helps relieve bloating and indigestion
  • Provides antiviral support, particularly for cold sores and mild viral infections

Safety Considerations:

    • Generally safe, but may lower thyroid function with prolonged use, so those with hypothyroidism should use it cautiously
    • Can be mildly sedating, so best avoided before tasks requiring alertness
    • Safe for children and commonly used for soothing nervousness in all ages

    Traditional Applications:

      • Used in European herbal medicine for nervous system support and digestion
      • Commonly brewed into teas, tinctures, and infused honey
      • Historically associated with joy, love, and uplifting the spirit

      You can find it in our Well Rested Tea, Digest + De-bloat Tea, Happy + Social Tokes, Relax + Unwind Tokes, Rise + Focus Tokes

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