Mullein Leaf - Verbascum thapsus

Mullein Leaf - Verbascum thapsus

Herb Class/Action: Expectorant, Demulcent, Anti-inflammatory, Lung Tonic, Lymphatic, Astringent

Flavor: Mild, Slightly Bitter, Earthy

Energetics: Cooling, Drying

Mullein leaf is one of the most well-regarded herbs for respiratory health, traditionally used to support the lungs and clear congestion. It acts as a soothing demulcent, coating and protecting irritated mucous membranes while also serving as an expectorant to help expel excess mucus. This combination makes it especially useful for both dry and productive coughs, bronchial congestion, and lung irritation.

In addition to its respiratory benefits, mullein supports the lymphatic system, helping the body clear stagnant fluids and toxins. It has a gentle astringent quality, which can help tone tissues and reduce excessive mucus production. Historically, it has been used in teas, steams, and even as a smoke to support lung function and ease breathing difficulties.


    • Supports respiratory health and helps clear congestion
    • Soothes dry, irritated lungs and throat tissues
    • Aids in lymphatic drainage and immune system function
    • Can be used as a steam to open airways and ease breathing

    Safety Considerations:

      • Generally very safe and well tolerated
      • Fine hairs on the leaf may cause throat irritation if not strained properly from tea
      • Avoid smoking mullein if you have sensitive lungs or respiratory conditions

      Traditional Applications:

          • Used in Western and European herbal traditions for lung and throat support
          • Commonly brewed into tea, tinctures, or used in steam inhalations
          • Traditionally burned or smoked to help clear lung congestion

          You can find it in our Lung Cleanser Tea, Happy + Social Tokes, Relax + Unwind Tokes, Pain-less Tokes, Sleep + Slumber Tokes, Rise + Focus Tokes

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