Plantain Leaf - Plantago major

Plantain Leaf - Plantago major

Herb Class/Action: Vulnerary, Demulcent, Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, Expectorant

Flavor: Mild, Slightly Bitter, Earthy

Energetics: Cooling, Moistening

Plantain leaf is a versatile and widely used herb known for its ability to soothe and heal tissues, both internally and externally. Rich in mucilage, it has demulcent properties that coat and protect irritated mucous membranes, making it beneficial for soothing sore throats, coughs, and digestive discomfort. Its astringent nature also helps tone tissues, making it useful for wound healing and skin irritation.

Traditionally used as a "first-aid" plant, plantain can be chewed and applied directly to insect bites, stings, cuts, and rashes to relieve pain and inflammation. Internally, it supports gut health by calming irritation and promoting gentle detoxification. Whether taken as a tea, tincture, or poultice, plantain is a reliable and accessible herb for overall wellness.


  • Soothes sore throats and digestive irritation
  • Supports wound healing and soothes skin conditions
  • Helps relieve coughs and promotes expectoration
  • Aids in detoxification and gut health

Safety Considerations:

    • Generally safe for all ages
    • Use caution if allergic to plants in the Plantaginaceae family
    • Ensure clean sourcing when using fresh leaves from the wild

    Traditional Applications:

    • Used in traditional European and Indigenous medicine for wound healing and digestive support
    • Applied as a poultice for insect bites, stings, and minor wounds
    • Commonly brewed as a tea or taken as a tincture for internal healing

    You can find it in our Lung Cleanser Tea and Happy Belly Tea

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